Friday, October 20, 2006

Will be back later...

It's holiday time, and I'm really sorry to inform you that due to this wonderful news, I have to temporarily take some time-offs from the blogging activities...
I'll be back at October 30th, 2006...

Happy holiday, everyone!!! 'n Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin... :)

May the Peace and Joy of this Blessful moment bring enourmous amount of light to all of us...



chaa said...

Hwa....eyang gw ;p

Pasti gw banyak bikin dosa,,secara gw manggil lw eyang gitu (ampuuun...kan panggilan kesayangan--LOL)


Minal Aidin y K,,
maaf2 nih kalo banyak salah,,
banyak dosa,,
suka ngerepotin,,
suka nyusahin,,
suk bikin pusing,,
n yang jelas suka 'G JELAS' ;)

Sukses ya UTS-nya!!!

May the force be with you...


Roclus said...

Di-ampun-kan :)