Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Gw bingung... Few days ago someone of the people that I'd just know told me that dia asking apologize, 'coz didn't say 'hi' to me... (lho, mangnya kenapa toh? Santai aja lagi). Well, what make me curious is dia punya reason is, dia afraid to be considered as 'too close' (in Indonesia : 'sok akrab')... Hei, apa pula ini???
Yasuw, sekarang gw nggak pingin konsen ke that person (bwt kamu, santai aja lah :> ). Rather, I want to take a look at myself... Setelah dipikir2 yang sebenarnya SA (kepanjangannya udah ada di atas tuh. Cari sendiri! Jangan manja!) kayaknya gw deh. Actually, this's kinda new me. Kalo elo nanya ke temen2 gw SMU, gimana gw dulu ama sekarang, lu bakal nemuin gw yang beda.

Afterlife, eh, afterschool gw nerusin kuliah n I think gaya yang model 'dulu' nggak cozy banget. I want to have a social life! So, mulai lah gw mencoba akrab dengan orang2, eventhough orang yang baru pertama gw kenal. Kenapa bisa gw se'semangat' itu? Well, dari apa yang gw tau, our (I mean Indonesian) people termasuk kalangan makhluk pasif, dan cenderung menunggu. Banyak pikiran dah. Gw malah termasuk yang sebaliknya, kalo emang pingin, ya why not toh? As long as it is in a positive way, just go on. Btw, nothing to lose ini koq.

Habit baru tersebut kayaknya justru lebih mendekati 'the real me'. Kenapa gw merasa demikian? Karena gw bisa enjoy dengan 'gaya' yang ini selama sekitar 4 taon! OK, mungkin ini emang bukan 'the really real me' makanya gw bilang baru mendekati. Anggap aja sebuah proses pencaharian jati diri...

Back to topic, gaya yang kayak gini bukan berarti gw gak nemuin masalah. In contrary, gw malah banyak mikir apa orang2 melihat gw yang 'berani' ini justru sebagai orang yang 'sok'??? I just wanna have friends. OK, I know a can't make friends with everybody, but at least I want to have a lot amount of friends... (in quality order, of course).

To all of you... salam hangat pertemanan dari gw... :)
May the spirit of friendshipness always be with us...



Roclus said...

Yuppy... Sampe sekarang sih ramahnya belum ampe nyengir 24 koq (alah, itu mah udah mesti kirim ke SW Grogol :p)...

OK deh... Wahai everybody, siap-siap gw hajar luuuu!!!

chaa said...

What?! Nyengir 24 mesti dikirim ke Grogol??
gw tersinggung ;p

Anonymous said...

Oh iya, gw lupa, ada 'kerabat jauh' yang kena sindrom 'itu'... Maap, bagemana pun keadaan kau, nak, kami tetap menerima dan menganggap engkau sebagai bagian dari... SW Grogol :p

~Peace... Baru Lebaran seminggu, udah nyela-nyela lage neh... Yaaah, batal d gw...~

Martha-Happy said...

Btw kalimat pertama nya itu tentang gwe yaa??
Sorry nich Om, gak maksud apa2 cuma gwe mungkin orangnya gak bisa seterbuka samien ato widid ato icha dalam menghadapi orang2 baru.
Tapi kalo udah lumayan kenal bisa tanya samien ato widi tentang taraf kesintingan gwe.

Anonymous said...

The nature of Jesus Christ is the central issue of Christology. The theological concept of Jesus as Christ was refined by a series of seven ecumenical councils between 325 and 787 AD/CE. While most Christians believe that the councils were guided by the Bible and the Holy Spirit, some Christians question one or more of the councils. Restorationists reject all the councils and seek to restore what they believe was the original Christian faith.

Anonymous said...

The Way of Animal Powers (March 26, 1904 � October 31, 1987) was an American professor, writer, and orator best known for his work in the fields of comparative mythology and comparative religion.