Saat menjadi orang pertama yang datang meeting, dan masih menunggu kehadiran peserta rapat lainnya.
Sunyi, dingin, sendiri..
Entah mengapa, perasaan saat ini seakan menjadi cermin dari apa yang aku rasakan atas kehidupan di Jakarta selama beberapa bulan terakhir. Well, memang 'ndak sebegitunya sih, tapi sedikit banyak memang seperti itu.
Hiruk pikuk kehidupan di kota metropolis ini masih mematrikan unsur keterkejutan dalam diriku, yang sampai Februari kemarin masih berdomisili di kota minyak, Balikpapan. It's totally different. The people, the working pace, the attitude, the air and pollution, the customs, everything seems so dramatically different and as though these two cities exsist in such a different dimension...
I just miss my old times, when I still have time to read some books, when I still have opportunity to exercise in the morning and/or in the evening without concerning about my rest time. When I have a lot of spare times to simply be alone and enjoy that particular time, and also of course when I have the luxurious options of time to take my private session with my Father Lord.
In Jakarta, everyone seems to be chased by something. Like there's no second chances. Like there's no mercy for the losers. Like there's no place for simply trust others. Like there's no option to be an easy-goer. Like there's no life...
Yeah, I know it's so much exaggerating the situation.
I do know some people that really enjoy Jakarta and live happily in this big city.
Like one of the quotation that I read before (forget where and when :p) :
"Heaven. It isn't the matter of where you are. It is where your heart is."
Hmm, I guess that's quite true. I'm here in Jakarta, but I can't find